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A Beginner’s Guide to Understanding Manjistha

If you have taken a recent dive into Ayurvedic wellness and have tried to buy products only to feel overwhelmed, anxious, or just plain confused after scanning the names of ingredients you never heard of, you’re definitely not alone.

Manjistha is one such ingredient. An ingredient that has been an Ayurvedic superfood for centuries, Manjistha has recently become popular in the health and wellness industries with popular items like Manjistha teas and Manjistha powders dominating the market-here’s why.

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5 Reasons to Include These Herbal Teas in Your Daily Life

It’s no longer a secret that people across the globe, particularly Asia, have been relishing herbal teas for their calming properties and awesome taste. They are widely knownfor their rich fragrance but the lesser known fact about herbal teas is their health-boosting effects on our immune system. In fact, herbal teas can help treat various health-related issues – from a minor cold or a graver infection.

With such a wide variety of herbal teas available in the market, sometimes it becomes confusing to choose the right tea blend for your specific needs. Though flavored teas are hugely popular and understood as ‘chic’, they really have little to no therapeutic advantages. Herbal teas, on the other side, are known to provide you with a high level of calmness you crave after a long day at work and can even help you lose weight in addition to upkeeping good health.

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The Hottest Dharmsala Tulsi Tea Blends

An old classic has been making a comeback to the tea scene in recent times- tulsi tea is once again extremely popular amongst tea drinkers. With its unique antioxidants and Ayurvedic properties, organic Indian tulsi tea is said to have anti-inflammatory properties. It is also said to curb weight loss, help in hair growth and lead to glowing skin.

With organic Indian tulsi tea is a staple in almost every Indian home, we decided to explore our roots and play with flavours that are important to us to create these truly unique blends.

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Five Teas to Help You Beat The Monsoon Blues

Whether you watch the rain through misty windows, enjoy hot, spicy snack as you nestle into your blanket or turn the volume up on the next Netflix episode as it continues to pour outside, tea plays a major role in everyone’s monsoon routine.

Below is a complied list of some of the best teas to invest in to ensure you stay healthy, happy and energised through the rain this year.

1. Ginger Tea

Not only is the earthy ginger flavour irresistibly delicious, it also helps improve stomach performance and helps get rid of colds- two of the biggest health issues that creep up during this time of year. Ginger tea also helps quell nausea and improve blood circulation.  Try our Himalayan Ginger Tea for a quite evening at home or our Yogi Morning Blend tea with the goodness of ginger, lemongrass and tulsi leaves to give your immunity that extra boost.

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Give your Immunity a Boost with Ayurvedic Boost Teabags

The ongoing coronavirus disease is unique in itself and has challenged healthcare experts across the globe. This pandemic has turned the world’s attention to the immune system, the body’s defense capability against disease-promoting bacteria, viruses, and other creatures that humans touch, ingest, and inhale on a daily basis.

Having a rich legacy of over 3000 years ago, Ayurveda is a traditional system of medicine and has long mentions about epidemic management and states immunity as the body’s power to preventing and limiting the development of the disease for upholding homeostasis. The Ayurveda lays more emphasis on promoting the strength of mind and body to cope with different stressors, including infection.

The best part of Ayurveda is that it can easily be incorporated in our daily life which makes it simpler to adapt to. For example, people can choose from a wide range of teas that are already a regular beverage for us. Due to its powerful anti-oxidants and nutrients that help control blood sugar, improve brain function, and enhance metabolism, green tea is quite popular among people from different walks of life.

This ’super-drink’ also possesses vital minerals, bioactive compounds, and fat-burning properties. It also helps in increasing the detoxification process in the body and supports weight reduction.

If you wish to stay high on immunity during this COVID season, there is nothing more effective than sipping an immunity booster tea from Dharmsala. Our Ayurvedic boost teabags are nothing less than a magic for those who want to fortify their body’s natural killer cell activity.


GREEN TEA WITH ASHWAGANDHA, SHANKPUSHPI AND BRAHMILoaded with a plethora of ayurvedic herbal powerhouses - ashwagandha, shankpushpi and brahmi, this Ayurvedic Boost Blend is excellent for health and immunity. Moreover, it is loaded with powerful antioxidants, which safeguard the body from oxidative damage caused by free radicals. Another great thing about this herbal drink that is it poses zero side effects.

Starting off a day with a cup of this immunity booster tea would help you stay confident in regard to general ailments and infections.

The takeaway is this immunity boosting herbal tea is an awesome choice in nurturing a healthy lifestyle which includes a wholesome diet and exercise. However, it is also to keep in mind that tea’s phytochemicals may provide benefits in promoting immunity, they cannot replace medicine. And when it comes to savoring its taste, you would always love to have it any time of the day.

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